Monday, May 21, 2012

Dresser 1

I just love ReStore. It not just carries interesting old furniture, but it also builds houses for low income people with the money they make. I make frequent rounds of this store since it is super close to my house ever since I found out about it.

On one of my visits, I found a small dresser. It was the perfect size that it would fit on the wall next to my patio door without blocking it and would provide me with the extra drawer space I am missing in my small kitchen.

This is how you see it when it is against the wall.
Next to my $6 shoe stool I made, again from some frugal finds from ReStore!
 Which is the perfect size for my very small and narrow hallway! :) Happiness!!!
Lessons learnt:
1. Always make sure that the drawers slide well before purchasing a piece of furniture.
2. Paint on a warm day. The reason I needed 5 coats is first I painted in winter and the paint never really dried well.. ever.
3. Use the flat top stencil sponge brush for stenciling.. nothing else works as well.

Update Aug 21, 2012:
 After having the dresser and the stool in the space for some time, I realized that it wasn't working in that space.
So I sold the dresser today for $75. It was a lot of work putting in those slides, but I hope the boy who's TV is going to be on top of it enjoys it as much as I did. It will be replaced by a smaller shelf I have.
The stool is in the first floor hallway. I think it is better there as the tall boots can reside there under it and that is where they should be taken off given the amount of dirt we end up dragging in in the winter months with them.

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