Monday, April 8, 2013

Free style abstract painting

In order to take a break from the sunflower field painting I have been working on, I asked my friend M from work if she wanted anything painted.

She gave me this painting she found online.
Now I have to say, M's taste in art is way different than mine. She calls it weird. I would call it eclectic. But this one just threw me off! It looked like something I used to paint as a child!

When I checked out the website for more details, I learnt that these apparantly sell for over150 pounds in UK, and the artist Natalie Rymer, is famous enough for publishers to ask her to make prints of her work!!!!!!!!  :-O
I decided to give it a try. Ofcourse, I changed it a bit. I have a problem having the leaves go in weird directions. And I did not care for the leaves on the mug.

I love how putting a little bit of yellow under the leaves ad flowers on the mug, make them pop!

I loved how easy and freeing this process was. So I made a second one with a dark background.
Which I hated. Hated the backgroud. Hated the process of painting on dark background as my acrylics are very translucent and I had to paint each leaf and sprig in either white or gesso first before I could paint it! Aaaggggrrrrhh!!!
But then I went back over on the background with black and purple.. and now I think it is tolerable!

What do you think?

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