I recently finished painting my living room and kitchen some cheerful shades of yellow

please ignore the chaos of the henna ceremony and my face where I look like I am trying to catch some Zs sitting up!
This was right before our wedding in October..
and long months of gray weather that have followed it!
This was the Saturday after the blizzard on Feb 8, 2013. Can you see the waist high mounds of snow that I shoveled. You can only see half of the tree!!
I recently came across this post by 'Sawdust & Embryos' who painted their own back splash and are also doing it professionally!
And now, I can't get it out of my head. I even messaged Jiti yesterday telling him that we are doing this in our house! And he already has his pick!

please ignore the chaos of the henna ceremony and my face where I look like I am trying to catch some Zs sitting up!
This was right before our wedding in October..

This was the Saturday after the blizzard on Feb 8, 2013. Can you see the waist high mounds of snow that I shoveled. You can only see half of the tree!!
I recently came across this post by 'Sawdust & Embryos' who painted their own back splash and are also doing it professionally!
And now, I can't get it out of my head. I even messaged Jiti yesterday telling him that we are doing this in our house! And he already has his pick!

I would personally like some shades of blue in it to soften the yellow walls and red shades of the cornfield floors, and to tie in the blue counter tops we are stuck with at least for now.


I think its that time of the year, when I start to get impatient with the weather and looking forward to sunny warm days when I can get my projects and the garden started.
We are expected to have still MORE SNOW!!!! But lucky for me I will be in CA with J and B for the next 3 weeks!! Yey!!!